Friday, June 24, 2011

Choices are the definition of growing up...(sounds smart, huh??)

Alrighty, there is this part of college that I am not so fond of called making choices. Choices like: do I go play ultimate with my guy friends (shirts and skins people, shirts and SKINS) or do I go to the library and study? Do I sleep in and feel good, or do I wake up early and finish that outline that is due in my first class? Do I eat fruit snacks for breakfast, or do I walk all the way to the Cannon Center and get a real meal? (That last one is courtesy of Lauren Hopper) All of these are challenging decisions that must be made. Here are the decisions I made: I went to the library, and I woke up early. GAH. You better be proud of me, because that is like the only reward I will get for making such wonderful decisions. I for sure won't be invited to MORE social activities. I will most likely be invited to less because I am the girl who always says no so that she can study. Why invite her? She is super boring. BLAH.  So yeah, I am becoming THAT girl. Which I don't like. But, that's what you get for making a ridiculously intense goal called:


It is completely do-able. It just takes those nasty decisions that I happen to despise with all the passion of my fire-y heart. And hair. I mean honestly, who wants to be THAT girl?? Notta me.

But yeah BYU has been awesome. Lots of homework. I have a paper due next Friday already. And I have about 45 pages of reading to do this weekend. But here's the thing I like about college: I am actually motivated to do well because I am paying for this school. And it's great :) 

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Alright everyone, I am so sorry it has been forever since I last posted!
I was moving in and getting settled or whatever and life was CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY.

I only have time for a little post:
I love every moment of being here. It is beautiful and wonderful and fun and happy and amazing. All of those are good words.

Here are some pics of our room! In lieu of the video, because I don't know how to convert my dumb video into the right format or whatever. DUMB.

My roommate's name is LAUREN JANAE HOPPER the first. She is wonderful! We have a blast. Like right now we are singing at the top of our lungs. and it is great. 

I have been asked on a date.
 By a very cute boy. He is wonderful and funny and happy and sweet and charming.
 Boy: You know who you are. :)
We are planning on making a cake, which makes me happy. Seeing as I love cake and all. 
I repeat: COLLEGE IS GREAT. :)

Also, it is fun having CAMILLA HEROUX here at BYU with me. We went to the Creamery on 9th last night. It was VERY fun :):) 

Also I've been going on adventures. And meeting a ton of new people. 

Also, my classes are wonderful. And it is so nice being totally and completely accepted as a member of the LDS church. It is the most wonderful relief ever! 

Anyway, college is great. I miss people back in MN of course, but I know this is where I am supposed to be.

BYE everybody! I'll try to make time to keep up and tell you all about my adventures!

Friday, June 10, 2011

I really shouldn't be writing this right now...I have way too much stuff to do right now...

Well...I SHOULD be packing up my room right now. But I'm not. I'm writing on my blog. Because I just like doing this better than I like cleaning my room. I'm sorry. I just do. 

I finished packing and shipping all the things that I'm actually taking with me to school, so now I'm left to pack all the stuff I DON'T want. Which is annoying. Because I don't want it...but I still have to go through all of it and decide what I'm actually keeping and storing and what I'm tossing. GAHH I had no idea I had so much junk. It is infuriating. 

My room looks so naked and boring right now. Here is a picture of the before and after. I had a pretty awesome room! And now it's empty and scary.

SO now all I have to do is pack the residual CRAP. That should be fun.

I am finished with school now!! Which is SO exciting! 
And I finished with nothing less than a C- in pre-calculus, thank you very much :) Considering the fact that I did about....4% of the homework this year, that is quite impressive. hahaha 
Bottom line is, I am just excited to be DONE with it all! I made it. Thank goodness.

I had a sleepover with my lovely friend Cheyenne Richardson yesterday. She is incredible. One of those people who is friends with everyone, involved in everything, is homecoming queen, and is humble just to top it all off. I love her so much! We were going to take some pictures but then we fell we ended up taking a picture in the morning right when we woke up. I would not recommend doing that. It results in terrible pictures. But that's alright :) 

Also: WE BOUGHT BODY PILLOWS. I have wanted a body pillow for SUCH a long time. I don't really know why...but I have. So now I have one. And I love it a lot. :)

I have also had a new insight into how my mind works. I can FINALLY communicate how everything goes down in my brain. Are you ready? Prepare yourself. It's really intense. REALLY intense. Okay. Here it goes. 

We'll just start with thinking about the last day of school:

"It's weird it's the last day of school. This day would be even better if I could see Mr. Bennett, he's great. I really like him. He went to Spain. I want to go to Spain. I want to backpack across Europe. I wonder what backpack I should use. I should get a new backpack for college. I wonder who invented the backpack. It was really smart. You know what else is smart? Rape whistles. I'm glad I packed that for BYU, just in case. I  probably won't need it at BYU. And even if I do, they have those big red 'Emergency' buttons all over the place. I wonder when they put those in. Has anyone ever used them before? I mean really. If you were being attacked, who would have the time or the presence of mind to run over and press the emergency button. Oh well. I doubt anyone uses them. They seem like a waste of energy kind of. Also the hall light is on right now which is a waste of energy. Does energy actually get wasted? Cause doesn't energy just get recycled over and over and over again? Or is that light? I wonder how fast the speed of light is. I know I learned that in 8th grade but I totally forgot. 8th grade was the WORST. I loathed 8th grade. Everyone was mean and awkward. Yuck. Seriously. Eew. At least I grew out of that stage. Well mostly. I'm still suuuperrr clumsy. But I don't think I'll ever grow out of that. Maybe I have a balance problem in my inner ear! I know that can happen...I bet that's it. We'll just blame it on that."

And so on and so on. And as fast as you read that is as fast as those thoughts go through my head. It's very overwhelming sometimes. Mostly it's fun. :)

So yeah, now you have a glimpse into the brain of Allison Heroux

I leave for BYU in 
2 days 12 hours 35 minutes

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"I'm just not so sure of my looks anymore"...

So this afternoon, I was sitting in the living room with my little brother Gideon. 
He is very smart. He is 9. He is handsome. He is dashing. He is HILARIOUS. That is all you must know
Anyway, we are just sitting there, I'm doing homework, etc., he is literally sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling, and all of the sudden this conversation occurs:

Gideon "Do you think I'm cute?" 
Me "Of course, Gideon!"
Gideon "Do you think I'm HOT?"
Me "Uhhh...yeah!...why are you asking me this?"
Gideon "I'm just not so sure of my looks anymore"

Oh my GOSH. How adorable is that?? Pretty dang adorable. 

I have two days left of high school! I am so close I can taste it! I have been working on Creative Writing assignments for the last 2 hours, and I will be for probably the next two as well. Which is awesome. Grrrr.
 I'm so close!! 

I am so frazzled right now. I have so much to do to get ready for BYU. It's a joke. 
But I HAVE gotten a lot of my packing done, which is very nice. 
Okay, fake product placement:

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, the SPACE BAG!!
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun duuuunnnn!!
(That was a theme song.) 
This is the most ingenious invention in the history of organization and space-saving! 
I now swear by these things. They are amazing.
Okay, I think it's pretty much common knowledge that I have a lot of clothing. Like a LOT. And I have packed my entire closet, all my shoes (I cut down to about 12 pairs. Impressed??), art supplies, books, towels, and dishes in---drum roll PLEASE--- 5 BOXES!! And they were small-ish boxes too!! 
Honestly, these things are theee best.

I am so excited to room with my lovely friend Lauren at BYU! 
(I was just about to look for a picture of the two of us, but then I realized that we haven't actually met yet...)
She is the best too! Almost as cool as Space Bags.

Well, that's all for the night. Adios mi amigos. 

Yeah...I don't speak spanish.

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