Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life is hard...then you see a girl wearing a cape...

Well, ladies and gentleman, life is hard.
Why didn't anyone TELL ME?!

((Cam--name that movie))

Things go wrong, get frustrating, are awkward, are hard to deal with.
You get confused, get lost, feel alone, and don't know what to do.

But among all the unwelcomed chaos of life, the universe sends little things your way to make you smile. 
Things that make you forget how defeated you feel for just one minute.

Like seeing a girl wearing a cape.

Bless that girl for making me smile.
She doesn't care what people think--she wears a cape!
Wish I could be more like that sometimes.
Get it, gurl.

Thank you, universe for sisters and mamas who care. 

Thank you for this lady 

and this lady, too

I would be a total mess without them to lift me up.
Or to listen to me be a crazy person on the phone and tell me everyone else is stupid and not to listen to them. 
Or sit with me on the sidewalk outside of the library and listen to me cry and cry and cry. 
(I mean, sometimes, you gotta let it all out)

My mama is the most wonderful support I have. 
In case you don't already know, I am psychotic. And she is so patient with me and lets me flip out and go crazy for a little bit. And then I'm better. My mama knows me better than anyone, and she is there whenever I need her. She's my guardian angel. 

My Cami is a breath of fresh air. She has always been there for me to say absurd things that make me giggle.
On days like yesterday and today, she gives me the strength I need to keep trudging along until I figure out what to do.

I adore both of these ladies. They are my people. I would probably die without them.

So, thanks to them for dealing with my craziness and knowing how to treat my craziness with theirs. They are extraordinary.

Love them.

Love, Allie


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